Resources for Thriving in Hard Times
We are living through an incredibly challenging, unprecedented time in history.
We are in the mist of an ongoing global pandemic, the deepening climate crisis, a long overdue reckoning with racial justice, and increasing political polarization. Feeling afraid for the health of your loved ones is hard. Dealing with the financial stress, getting furloughed, laid off, or being at risk of losing your job is hard. The pain of racial injustice, the climate crisis, wildfires—all of it affects us. If you feel anxious, have trouble sleeping, get irritable more quickly, can’t seem to stop spinning inside, feel lost or overwhelmed with how quickly things are changing—you’re not alone.
Now more than ever, we need to draw on our inner resources. Any amount of balance, calm, and love we can bring to our lives is a gift to those around us. I’ve gathered some of the best free resources for you here, including some of my free guided meditations.
Nature reminds us that life is a series of waves . . .
Guided Meditations for Clarity and Calm
Meditation Groups and Teachings Online
Insight Meditation groups Online
During this time of physical distancing, many Insight Meditation sangha are offering their weekly meditation groups online. Click here for a list of groups that have weekly gatherings online. Most include a meditation followed by a Dharma talk. For a meditation group specifically focused on working with chronic pain and illness, check out Denise Bardovi’s excellent group here.
Ten Percent Happier
For two months, Ten Percent Happier offered daily meditations, featuring our host, Dan Harris, and some of the world’s best meditation teachers, streaming from their homes to yours: Ten Percent Happier LIVE. They were streamed live on YouTube and can be viewed there.
Insight Meditation Society
IMS offering is a daily meditation sessions on Facebook Live to help connect their community during this challenging period. Sharon will be leading some of these daily sittings, exact dates to be announced. No registration necessary to participate, simply tune in via the IMS YouTube channel.
Gil Fronsdal IMC YouTube
Senior Insight Meditation teacher Gil Fronsdal is leading daily guided meditations and Dharma Talks at 7am PT on the Insight Meditation Center Redwood City’s YouTube channel. Tune in live weekday mornings or click here for more.
Other Online Meditation Groups & Teachings
Tricycle magazine has generously put together this list of other weekly, online Buddhist meditation groups. Note that this list includes groups from a range of Buddhist traditions, from Theravada groups to Zen and Tibetan groups.
Tricycle Magazine
Tricycle is hosting series of bi-weekly live-stream meditations to help ease anxiety amid our social-distancing efforts. They are offering free virtual meditations from a variety of teachers including Sharon. Tricycle is glad to offer these live practice sessions free to all, hosted on zoom. More here.
Mindful Magazine
Mindful Online is offering live guided meditations every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3pm ET for connection and community from today’s mindful leaders. Tune into their Facebook page for meditations from Sharon, Bob Stahl, Mirabai Bush, Cara Bradley, Rhonda Magee, Mitch Abblett and more. More here.
NY Times Magazine: Things Keep Getting Scarier. He Can Help You Cope
A powerful interview with senior meditation teacher Jack Kornfield on how to find steadiness, love, and resilience during these unprecedented times. Interview published April 11, 2020, by David Marchese, Illustration by Jules Julien/
Office Hours with Dr. Judson Brewer
Psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Jud Brewer, who specializes in mindfulness and habit change, is posting videos regularly on YouTube. Videos include tips on on how to cope with anxiety and distress in these uncertain times as well as tips to develop healthy mindful habits. View here.
Recommended Reading
I’ve found the following books to be helpful during hard times. If you haven’t read these, feel free to check them out.
Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness, by Rick Hanson
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by Pema Chodron
Turning Suffering Inside Out, by Darlene Cohen
Helpful Reminders
Join me on Instagram for brief, inspirational teachings that help you pause and reset during your day.
Meditation practice is about discovering our true home, right here in this heart-body-mind, and learning how to “stay at home.”