Talks on Meditation and Mindful Communication

Contemplative practice is intended to transform our lives. When one considers the totality of our lives, it is a relatively small portion of time that we are able to spend doing formal meditation practice, sitting, walking, or contemplating in silence. For those interested in true inner transformation and spiritual growth, it’s essential to find ways to integrate the principles and practices of meditation into the rest of one’s life.

The videos and audio recordings on this page represent a small sampling of Oren Jay Sofer’s teachings on bringing the values of spirituality into our everyday lives. They integrate the insights and tools of Buddhist Insight Meditation, secular mindfulness, and Nonviolent Communication. These teachings are offered freely. You may donate here to support Oren’s teaching.

Say What You Mean: Washington DC, 2019

The Beauty of Integrity: Spirit Rock, 2017

Mindful Communication and Insight Meditation

Life is a relationship. From the moment we are born until the moment we die, we are in relationship: with others, with ourselves, and with our environment. Though we have very limited control over what happens in life, we can have some say over is how we relate. The contemplative path helps us to examine and transform how we are relating to life.

Through the practice of insight and loving-kindess meditation, we shift the basis of our life from fear, greed, confusion, self-centeredness, alienation, irritability, etc. to one of courage, generosity, compassion, kindness, connection, patience and honesty. If you are interested in more videos on Mindful Communication and meditation, subscribe to Oren’s YouTube channel below.


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Wise Speech

The Heart