I trust what this body knows –
breathing in, breathing out,
the way home.
I trust the ground, which I can stand upon –
the earth that rises to meet my feet
and gives gently beneath my weight.
And I trust that ground which I cannot stand upon –
the falling away that everything returns to.
I trust what this body knows –
the pulsing and quivering, the tight, the hard,
the smooth, rough and flowing.
I trust the great oak and the white pine, who do not question
where the next branch will grow;
who are tall, solid, gnarled and strong;
who bend in the wind.
I trust the sun, that shines and warms
the taut green skin and deep blue water of this earth;
that sun toward which we all instinctively turn;
which touches our billion faces alike,
asking only the song of our sincere living in return.
I trust what this body knows –
breathing in, breathing out,
the way home.
I trust what this body knows
that the magnolias in spring take time to bloom,
that the autumn leaves do not struggle to reach the ground,
that we too are beautiful, brief, free.
About Oren Jay Sofer’s Poetry
Both reading and writing poetry are a powerful vehicles for contemplation, self-expression, connection, and spiritual practice. Oren has been writing poetry since he was a child. He formally studied poetry at Columbia University with Kenneth Koch, and was inspired by the beat poets of 60s and 70s as well as classical Chinese and Japanese poets. His favorite poets include Gary Snyder, Pablo Neruda, Mary Oliver, Han Shan, Stonehouse, and Ryokan among others. If you would like to publish or reprint one of Oren’s poems, please contact us.
If you are interested in reading poetry as a spiritual practice, here are a few tips:
Choose a poem(s) that you would like to read aloud.
Find a relatively quiet place if possible.
Early morning, and dusk are ideal times, though any time will do!
Take a few moments to sit quietly and breath, calming your mind and centering yourself.
Read the poem aloud, taking your time with each word, pausing for the line breaks.
Poetry is also a kind of music: listen to the words and the silences.
Allow yourself to linger.
Read it again if you like, or take turns reading poems with a friend.