Teaching Mindfulness To Adolescents — Oren Jay Sofer

Say What You Mean: Find the right words when it matters most

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Two unique texts on how to make research-based mindfulness practices accessible and relevant for adolescents.

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Three seasoned teachers offer expert advice on sharing mindfulness with teens and adolescents.


Mindfulness appears simple on the surface: ‘just be present.’ 

But lurking within this deceptively simple practice lies a world of exploration and radical potential. Too often, the profound depth of mindfulness is reduced to a simple relaxation technique or a classroom management strategy. 

In these books, three teachers draw on their decades of intensive meditative practice and point out the gifts mindfulness offers adolescents – and the delight adults can experience in sharing these practices with youth. Incorporating anecdotes from actual teaching, the authors blend the latest scientific research with creative techniques for making the practices accessible and relevant to adolescents. They trace a journey of radical honesty, kindness and courage as adolescents and adults navigate the challenges of the human condition together. 

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Learn innovative methods for working with adolescents:

  • Build authentic relationships of trust

  • Create supportive classroom structures for learning

  • Foster meaningful conversation about teens' real concerns

  • Inspire students to explore their inner life

  • Empower young people to engage in their world

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“Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents is an invaluable resource for anyone who practices mindfulness and meditation with teens."

Susan Kaiser Greenland, author of Mindful Games, and The Mindful Child

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Curriculum for Adolescents: Tools for Developing Awareness

A flexible set of lessons tailored to the developmental needs of adolescents.

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Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents

An indispensable guide of principles and tools for working with teens, adolescents and young adults.

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Two Volume Set

Get up to 10% off when you order both the new Adolescent Curriculum and the Professional Development Handbook together.

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Schools and educational institutions ordering 10 or more copies can receive 45% off! For details, orto request review copies for potential bulk orders, email Megan Bedell.

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“Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents is a gorgeous gift in learning how to raise a generation of empaths.”

Laura Dern, Oscar-winning Actor, Producer and long-time meditator

Teaching Mindfulness To Empower Adolescents

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A powerful handbook of tools and principles that empower youth to explore their inner life.

Mindfulness is not simply a technique. It is more of a deeply honest conversation with ourselves and each other—a conversation that includes all of the joy and sorrow, love and loss of a human life.  

As adults, we can facilitate this radically honest conversation with and among adolescents. This book invites educators to draw on their own wisdom, vulnerability and strength to engage their students, awaken mindfulness, and nourish compassion within them.

Praise for Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents

“Bolstered by the three authors’ years of meditation practice and their real-world experience, Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents is an invaluable resource for anyone who practices mindfulness and meditation with teens. This excellent book is a tract on how to navigate the ups and downs of daily life that not only supports readers in their work with adolescents but in their own lives as well.”

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Susan Kaiser Greenland

Author of Mindful Games, and The Mindful Child

Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents is a gorgeous gift in learning how to raise a generation of empaths. As a parent and individual, I felt deep support and a renewed understanding in the most important teachings and practices a person can have. I particularly loved this book’s guidance on the reminder to ‘make space to listen.’ Thank you to JoAnna Hardy, Matthew Brensilver, and Oren Jay Sofer for bringing such essential teaching to light.”

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Laura Dern

Oscar-winning Actor, Producer, and long-time meditator

“In teaching mindfulness to adolescents, the ‘what’ (curriculum) is important, but not as important as the ‘how’ (quality of the teacher’s presence and mindset). This book shows the way to give life to mindfulness teaching with authenticity, ethics, and integrity—always starting with, and coming back to, the teacher’s own practice. I highly recommend it to all adults who wants to bring mindfulness to youth, and to all adults who care deeply about young people."

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Dzung X. Vo, M.D.

Author of The Mindful Teen

“This book is a cutting-edge resource for anyone sharing mindfulness with teens. The authors offer a skillful, innovative, and developmentally tailored approach that promotes youth receptivity and buy-in. Sharing mindfulness is much more than teaching techniques, and this book will give you everything you need; from the practice of cultivating relationships, to working with resistance, to tough conversations about the issues teens struggle with.”

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Sam Himelstein, Ph.D.

Author of Trauma-Informed Mindfulness with Teens

“In a time when teens face real inner and outer challenges, and quick-fix, faux mindfulness offerings are increasingly popular, this book is a true gift. Every page is infused with the authors’ deep personal mindfulness practices and their years of experience in sharing these practices with diverse youth. This book is a powerful and heartfelt contribution to the field, and an essential read for those committed to offering mindfulness with integrity and authenticity.”

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Amy Saltzman, M.D.

Author and Director of Still Quiet Place

“[This book]... stands above the crowd with practical advice built on hard won experience. I’ve been waiting for these excellent teachers to write up their wisdom, and they’ve exceeded my high expectations. Organized effectively and written in straightforward language, in this book Brensilver, Hardy, and Sofer empower not just adolescents but their caregivers and communities as well. A gift to mindfulness educators everywhere.”

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Christopher Willard, Psy.D.

Author of Growing Up Mindful, Harvard Medical School


“Wise and revolutionary. These are skilled and caring teachers giving you the real deal. They show how to foster a genuine sense of belonging, and how to soothe, inspire, and awaken the teenage spirit.”

Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart and No Time Like The Present

The Mindful Schools Adolescent Curriculum

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A flexible set of lessons tailored to the developmental needs of adolescents.  

Arguably, no student population stands to gain more from mindfulness practice—with its power to enhance emotional regulation, attention stability, and self-awareness—than adolescents and young adults. 

In this comprehensive curriculum developed at Mindful Schools, Oren Jay Sofer and Matthew Brensilver provide twenty-five lessons that supply a framework for mindfulness instruction that can be expanded or condensed according to the needs of students. Each lesson includes a science supplement, research findings relevant to the practice, and printable handouts of the lesson that can be distributed to students.

Praise for The Mindful Schools Adolescent Curriculum

The Mindful Schools Curriculum for Adolescents is a timely and valuable contribution to the field of Mindfulness in Education. The curriculum does a wonderful job creating connection and making mindfulness relevant to the adolescent context. This resource is a must-have for anyone sharing mindfulness with teens!“

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Meena Srinivasan

Author, SEL Every Day and Teach, Breathe, Learn

“This curriculum offers invaluable ways to address some of the biggest things that teens struggle with, including social media and bias, working with difficult emotions like anxiety, and gaining authenticity in relationships.”

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Daniel Rechtschaffen, MFT

Author, The Way of Mindful Education

“This comprehensive and beautifully designed curriculum is sure to become a classic in the field. It offers carefully crafted lessons with helpful examples, study and practice questions, and scientific evidence to back it up.”

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Diana Winston

Author of The Little Book of Being, Director UCLA MARC

“Teaching mindfulness is an art; teaching mindfulness to adolescents is a rare art. In this thorough, well-researched, and creative curriculum, the authors offer innovative and timely tools for sharing the powerful practice of mindfulness with teens and adolescents. This book will serve well anyone who is seeking guidance on how to teach mindfulness to adolescents.”

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Bonnie Duran, Ph.D.

Professor, U. of Washington School of Social Work

“An absolute must-read for every person teaching mindfulness to teens and young adults. Oren Jay Sofer and Matthew Brensilver have combined their many years of experience teaching mindfulness for adolescents and developing curricula with their decades of personal meditation practice to create a clear, engaging, down-to-earth and step-by-step classroom approach.

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Christiane Wolf, M.D., Ph.D.

Coauthor of A Clinician’s Guide to Teaching Mindfulness

“Part of what makes this curriculum so important is that it actually has the resources you need to teach adolescents. Developed over many, many years, it focuses on meaning and context, not just 'techniques and games.' The lessons and resources answer a core developmental question of adolescence, namely: ‘Why should I care about this and how does it apply to my life?’”

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Chris McKenna

Education Program Office, Mindful.org


“This book is a powerful and heartfelt contribution to the field, and an essential read for those committed to offering mindfulness with integrity and authenticity.”

Amy Saltzman, director of Still Quiet Place and the Association for Mindfulness in Education

About the Authors

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Matthew Brensilver

Matthew Brensilver is a member of the Teachers Council and Guiding Teachers Executive Group at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He previously served as Program Director for Mindful Schools and for more than a decade, was a core teacher at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society.

He lectures at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center about the intersections between mindfulness and mental health. Before committing to teach meditation full-time, he spent years doing research on addiction pharmacotherapy at the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine and is interested in the unfolding dialogue between mindfulness and science.

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JoAnna Hardy

JoAnna Hardy has been practicing multiple contemplative traditions since 1999. In 2005, her focus landed on Buddhism and Vipassana meditation, which is the foundation of most of her current teaching.

JoAnna teaches silent meditation retreats, social justice based meditation classes and workshops, and works with at-risk youth and non-at-risk youth in institutional and school settings. Helping communities and individuals that don’t typically have access to traditional meditation instructions and building multicultural community is top on her list of priorities.

She is a founding teacher of Meditation Coalition and an empowered teacher in the Insight Meditation lineage.


Oren Jay Sofer

Oren Jay Sofer has been practicing meditation since 1997. Today, he teaches meditation and communication retreats and workshops nationally.

A member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, Oren is a Certifed Trainer of Non-violent Communication and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner for the healing of trauma. He is the founder of Next Step Dharma, an online course integrating meditation practice into daily life, and the co-founder of Mindful Healthcare, sharing communication and resilience practices with healthcare professionals.

Oren also holds a degree in Comparative Religion from Columbia University, has offered mindful communication training for Apple, Kaiser Permananete, 10% Happier, Calm and others, and is the author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication.