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Wise Speech: The Foundations of Mindful Communication


6-week LIVE Online Course

June 15 - July 22, 2020
Monday & Wednesdays
7:30 – 8:30PM ET / 4:30 – 5:30PM PT

Freely Offered, Donations welcome

Communication is at the heart of our lives – personally, professionally, and spiritually. This six-week online course offers in-depth training in the foundations of an integrated approach to communication.

Drawing upon the Buddha’s teachings on the Noble Eightfold Path, mindfulness and Right Speech, plus the modern disciplines of Nonviolent Communication and trauma healing, the curriculum offers concrete tools to hold one’s own while still hearing others, and to engage effectively and efficiently in collaboration. With guidance from author and meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer, you’ll learn ways to:

  • Engage in effective dialogue

  • Feel more confident in conversation

  • Strengthen your capacities for empathy and resilience

  • Identify and stay focused on what really matters in any interaction

Through a combination of mindfulness practices, guided reflections, and interactive exercises, participants will develop a stronger sense of presence, greater access to compassion, and more versatile, clearer communication. This class is appropriate for both experienced and newer students, therapists, school teachers, chaplains and other helping professionals.


  • Teachings on a key aspect of meditation and communication

  • Expert instruction on integrating meditation into conversation

  • Guided meditations on cognitive, emotional and somatic aspects of communication

  • Examples of the intersection between spiritual practice and relationship

What Else You Receive:

  • Weekly, 60-minute live interactive Q&A with the teacher

  • Weekly practice assignments and journal topics

  • Optional weekly calls with a practice buddy

  • Lifetime access to course recordings (audio and video)

Who’s it For?

This course is appropriate for those newer to Buddhist meditation and/or Nonviolent Communication, as well as for experienced practitioners seeking to deepen their skills. Past students include: psychologists, therapists, doctors, nurses and healthcare practitioners, chaplains, teachers, writers, artists, life coaches, lawyers, police, engineers, civil servants, and many more.


We are honored to be able to offer this course free of charge. BCBS and our teachers depend on the donations to continue our work. If you are able, please consider a tax-deductible donation to help sustain us during these challenging times.

Oren Jay Sofer Mindful Communication

About the Teacher

Oren Jay Sofer is a nationally recognized teacher of meditation, mindfulness and Nonviolent Communication. A member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, he holds a degree in Comparative Religion from Columbia University, is the author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, and co-author of Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents. Oren is co-founder of Mindful Healthcare and the founder of Next Step Dharma, an innovative online program that helps meditators integrate their retreat experiences into daily life.


Frequently Asked Questions

I took your 12-week course “Say What You Mean,” based on the book. Will this be different?

Partly. This course will cover some of the same material as the 12-week SWYM online course, but will integrate more teachings and texts from the Buddhist tradition. For those who have already taken the 12-week course, this 6-week program will serve to reinforce key teachings, provide on-going practice opportunities, and provide new insights into the contemplative nature of communication practice.

Do I need to read Oren’s book “Say What You Mean” to take this course?

No. Though not required, reading Say What You Mean prior to (or during) the course will provide a complete framework and solid foundation to enhance your learning in the course.

How much of the course is taught by Oren?

The course is taught entirely by Oren, with opportunities for live online coaching and personal exchanges.

I understand this is a live course – what will the class size be?

Given the nature of online courses and the donation basis for this course, it’s difficult to predict the course size. We expect at least 200 people to participate. Based on Oren’s previous courses, we’re confident that the combination of core teaching sessions, submitting written questions, plus live Q&A sessions will provide ample opportunities for support, coaching and practice.

I have to miss a few of the sessions. Will they be recorded?

Yes. All of the live sessions will be recorded and available for viewing afterwards. Participants will have indefinite access to the audio recordings from the course.

My internet is slow. Can I call in by phone?

Yes - you can join the live calls on your laptop, mobile device, or by dialing in by phone. For laptop and mobile you will need to download the Zoom app (instructions will be provided. For phone, you must be able to place a call to regular number (it is not a toll-free call).

Does the course include anything else other than the 60 minute weekly sessions?

Yes. In addition to the live 60-minute sessions, each week includes a 60 minute interactive Q&A; a written reflection from Oren; suggestions for practice; optional interactive exercises with a buddy; optional online correspondence with fellow participants in the course forums.

How much time will it take me to participate in the course each week?

That depends on you. The minimum amount of time is 2 hours for the weekly sessions. We recommend spending at least another hour per week doing the practices. Some participants may choose to spend more or less time depending on their schedule.

How does the donation process work?

This course is being offered as a partnership between Oren Jay Sofer and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. Given the economic crisis and our mutual desire to make these teachings available to as many people as possible, we are offering the course on a donation basis. When you register, and periodically throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to make a contribution to BCBS and Oren. There is recommended amount, and no obligation to donate. We invite each person to participate joyfully according to their means. To read more about this practice, see here.